
Archive for November, 2007

Reviews for “In Hora Mortis Nostræ”

Well, don’t expect raving amount of ’em yet, neither do we. The official distribution for Scandinavia just started and we have no idea when distro for other parts of the world will be sorted. Either way we’ve encountered few random words about the album here and there and even located couple of actual reviews from the depths of Internet. Here’s links to ya:

1. IHMN @ Brutality
2. IHMN @ Chambersmagazine (in finnish, translation here)
3. IHMN @ MetalReviews

If you know any other parties who reviewed the album, feel free to post that link to our forums (requires registeration).

// The Hate, November 30th, 2007 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


TPH back catalogue in discount

Well, at least for the lucky Finns. It looks like Anttila, one of the largest department stores in Finland, has our Threeman catalogue in sale for ridiculously cheap price. “Killing Hellsinki”, “Hate, Dominate, Congregate, Eliminate” and “Armageddon March Eternal” all have their price set to 3,99 euros. Now if that ain’t a good bargain, then we don’t know what is. So if your TPH collection needs refilling this would be the time for it.

// The Hate, November 26th, 2007 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Writing for the new album already started

Just a quick one for you Haters… We are deep, and we mean deep, into writing for the next album. You can follow the process at our forums, link here:

// The Hate, November 1st, 2007 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »