Archive for December, 2013
We end 2013 on another high note…
While you guys are preparing to celebrate New Year’s Eve I am celebrating the completion of the first round of strings for song number 4. After getting some 14 tracks of string orchestrations for this one I consider it to be pretty much wrapped up. This means there’s 4 down and 2 more to go before I move into the next phase of building this beast. I have told you earlier that I have never worked so hard on anything before as I do with this new material, the same goes for all the orchestras. To see layer after layer building the vision is amazing and there is zero doubt that this one will be something out of the ordinary yet again, and without a doubt it’ll be the grandest thing TPH‘s ever done.
As mentioned before I plan on spending the better part of 2014 on this album, maybe it’ll be completed during the coming year even – that remains to be seen. But if things continue to move forward as they have so far – we are advancing at rapid speed. Also as told, I have so many ideas for this. At the moment I won’t reveal anything, you’ll just have to wait and see what happens with it all as we go along.
I will keep you informed every now and then when something of importance is achieved, but for now I’ll go back to this blasphemous creation coz I have devilry to attend to.
And it continues…
Take all the info that I gave you in this post and apply it to today’s update, with the only difference the title should say “3 down, 3 to go…” now.
Huge progress is being made, obviously.
2 down, 4 to go…
Yes, the orchestra/strings work is now more or less completed for the second tune out of the planned 6. Have in mind, this is but the first session with these things. I will go over everything at least once more (aka a bunch of times) when I consider this first stage of strings and orchestras completed. This is definitely the one time were I have worked the hardest on this stuff, and I have always worked hard with it. This time, though, this is different – just like everything else when it comes to pushing myself for this next album.
I have gotten a few mails from people about when I will fire up The Experiment 2 so you guys can donate and make this recording happen. My answer is: you will notice when the time comes. If you hang around our forums, our Facebook page or the official site – you will not miss out on the information.
Now I’ll spend the next few weeks or so with the orchestra arrangements for the third tune, and you guys will be updated on the process when there’s something to report.
Enjoy the holidays, if you dig that kind of stuff.
Exactly one year ago today…
EXACTLY one year ago to this date (12/12/12) the Haters were given “The Cadaverous Retaliation Agenda”. This masterpiece came alive thanks to the ones who supported The Experiment.
Judas eventually leaked it and Judas will suffer for it, but it doesn’t take away the fact that “TCRA” is a testimony of everything that is TPH.
I thank you, the loyal Haters and the people who work with me, for bringing my audio vision into this world. You Haters did it again recently by making it transform into a hand-numbered, limited edition digipak. That was the crowning of it all.
All of this makes me push myself harder and harder to create something that will go beyond everything we have ever done before. And when I listen to the material I am working with, this is exactly what will happen. “TCRA” and you people are the sole reason for it.
Keep an eye out for the start of The TPH Donation Experiment 2 next year – the agenda needed to make the next album a reality.
Time will tell if it will work a second time…
I salute you and I thank you.
1 down, 5 to go…
After working with the orchestra stuff for quite some time, the first tune is now more or less completed. I will always change and improve stuff as I go along, but the main work with the strings and whatnot for this first song is finally “done” for this stage. It sure takes time to compose all these arrangements, but it’s pure joy to see what those layers do to the songs when they’re there. Now there’s “just” 5 more tracks to do this with before I can move on to the electronics, loops, effects and whatnot. Stuff that is basically just as time consuming as the orchestra work. Writing the material is the easy part, arranging all these ingredients and making it worthy of TPH‘s standards is another thing. Be sure that after the masterpiece that is “TCRA” this needs to be on a different level altogether, and it will be. I won’t even start to think about how many hours I am putting into this to make my vision come alive, but this is what needs to be done.
Almost to the day, one year ago we released “TCRA” and set a new standard for what I can do with this entity known as TPH. I poured everything into that album and seriously didn’t have a clue as for how to move forward after it was completed on 12/12/12. The performances of everyone involved are just mindblowing, pushing me even further to create something spectacular this time around… And when I listen to what I have in front of me now, it feels nothing short of… fascinating. I can’t really describe it with any other word. I have no idea where it comes from, but piece by piece it’s slowly coming together – forming something I didn’t quite expect when I wrote the first thing that eventually became the seed to this coming beast. I can’t wait until I can put this piece in the stereo when it’s reached its final phase and see what it all became. But hey, that might be just a tad early to even think about right now. As mentioned before, I have a ton of plans for what I wanna do with this – we’ll see how it all goes down.
In short: this is the most intricate, developed, challenging and dominating piece of art I have ever worked with.
More updates will follow when there’s something of value to reveal.