
Archive for October, 2014

Brace yourselves. It is coming.


Follow us and everything that is crucial when it comes to this masterpiece over at our Facebook page.

// Lord K Philipson, October 31st, 2014 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Closer… closer… closer…

TPHNow there’s only 2 more songs left for me to get from Dirk and then we’re off to start mixing. In case you’re confused with all of this since I already told you the drums are completed – it means that Dirk’s got but a few minor changes to make according to my wishes before they are all a 100% complete. 4 songs are already taken care of and now it’s only the mentioned 2 last ones left… And whaddya know… they are coming in as we speak! In a few hours everything is here. God be damned.

Mr. Swanö over at is standing by, eagerly waiting to sink his teeth into this beast.

We’re real close to start the last part of this process. 1 and a half month of mixing on our hands to make it reach perfection. I have longed for this for quite some time, and we’re almost there now… It feels amazing.

What an album this is becoming… You will understand when you hear it.

Trust me.

// Lord K Philipson, October 27th, 2014 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Update on everything!

666I have been spending the last couple of days listening to the magnificent Dirk Verbeuren’s drums for the coming album. To put it mildly, I am blown away – more than I can explain. What this guy is doing with them drums is just bordering on insanity. I have no idea how many times I have rewinded just to check something thinking “he couldn’t possibly have done THAT?!”, just to see that he did exactly that.

Spectacular on all accounts.

Compared to my programmings, quite a few things have changed and been improved by Dirk. As a drummer, he obviously comes up with ideas for them drums that I wouldn’t have thought of since I haven’t exactly been playing drums for the better part of the last 20 years or so. This guy is more than just your average drummer, he is a MUSICIAN (I put that in capitals to really get the point through) to the core.

During the coming weeks there will be a few small changes/touch up’s according to my wishes (I know, I’m picky as all kinds of shit) and then Dirk’s work is muthafucken completed in full. As soon as J’s last song comes in I’m off to start mixing this beast with the great Dan Swanö. We have already started discussing the approach to everything, what kind of sound I am looking for and whatnot, so this will be an amazing journey until we are done. I can’t wait to hear the final result in a few months.

Release date? If all goes according to plan you will naturally have it on December 25th since releasing this storm of blasphemy on that date makes perfect sense. I am not promising anything though coz you never know if shit hits the fan/computer crashes/the universe explodes – but at least this is the plan I always had.

If you wanna hear this album when it’s completed and haven’t already made your donation, all you need to do is click this link and check out the information as for how to order the coming masterpiece.

I know you’re eager to see the cover for this apocalyptic symphony as well as finding out what the actual title is.

That day will come, but not now.

// Lord K Philipson, October 11th, 2014 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Mr. Verbeuren’s done with his work for the album!


Yesterday marked 666 days since “The Cadaverous Retaliation Agenda” was released, and on the very same day Mr. Verbeuren wrapped up his work for the coming album. What a coincidence, huh? This means that all we have left before we can mix this monster is having Mr. Sandström do the vocals for the last song and then we’re ready to start finalizing everything. To put it mildly, this feels amazing. As I have told you numerous times, the plans were always to release this album in late 2014, and as it looks it will all work out. I, of course, have had a specific release date in mind for quite some time and will reveal it as soon as I see it is doable.

If you wanna have this album when it’s finished, just click this link and see what you need to do.

Stay tuned for more updates as we go along, as always.

// Lord K Philipson, October 10th, 2014 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


Fire, be my guide…

Altar of TPHBy the altar of TPH I hereby announce that Mr. Sandström will destroy the universe once again this evening as he enters A.R.T. Studios with the great Jonas Ã…hlén to put down his unmatched roars for “DEFY THOSE WORDS OF WHO WAS, WHO IS, AND WHO IS TO COME”, the 4th track of the coming revelation.

Then there’s but 2 more tracks for him to nail before me and Dan Swanö can start mixing this beast (since Dirk’s last drums will come in any week now) and have it released to you loyal Haters who make it come alive thanx to your donations.

The darkness will be magnificent.

Update: Well, J did 2 songs tonight (“Defy” and “INTO THE MOUTH OF BELIAL”, meaning there’s only 1 more left for him to do.  According to J, hopefully he’ll wrap up his work this week if all goes well.

// Lord K Philipson, October 6th, 2014 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »