Just got offered to release “TCRA” on CD.
And I could have made a little money off it too. But I said no. It’s not about making money in every way possible. As I have said before, “TCRA” was recorded for the Haters who brought it to life. For the ones who donated to the cause of bringing it into existence. For the ones who buy it today.
As you all know, Judas and his disgusting cohorts came along and leaked it all over the Internet a few weeks after it was completed, like we expected. And you all know my stance on this bullshit and the illegal downloading issue. Some absolutely retarded kids find it amusing to enter our Facebook page and post links to where people can download the album illegally instead of paying 15 Euros for this piece of art, not understanding that it’s quite pointless to do so. It takes a second to ban said retard and delete the post. If people wanna steal the album I am sure they’ll find it by themselves. Your “help” is not needed. “TCRA” is not for you, you’re not one of us. You are scum, and as scum you will be treated.
Zero tolerance. No compromise. Kill’em all.
If you wanna support what we do, just buy the album from us. Or live your life as part of The Judas Agenda.
Haters: “TCRA” is yours, not theirs. I salute you who understand this. You fuel The Hate.