Progress on the new album, early April update

Michael‘s soon nailed 4 songs and his plan was to have 5 done by yesterday evening. That leaves him with 2, and then all the bass is done. He’s got some fucken insane ideas that he’s obviously going to try out this coming week. Haha, I can’t wait to see what the fuck happens with this if it works out.

On another note:

I have worked with the vocals during the last weeks and it all feels fucken excellent now, and I believe my work is pretty much done. I also did some new shit to some of the tunes that feels really, really good. Will probably go thru all the keyboards and programmings to see if there’s anything I can enhance them with while waiting for Michael to send over the rest of the bass. This is a wonderful process to say the least. It’s all perfection and I get a huge smile while listening to what we have created this far. The time spent on this recording is insane, but it’s worth every second of it. I could never imagine it would turn out this fantastic actually… Yeah, ok, I could. I so thank the guys in the band for helping me to make everything I ever dreamed of musically to come alive. You guys (and gal) fucken dominate.

As mentioned earlier, Swanö is about to start re-amping all the guitars this week, that will be interesting, to see what kind of guitar sound we end up with. Dan knows his shit and spent countless of hours last week to find a sound suitable for the purpose. It looks promising.

And some useless information: Yesterday I went thru all the lyrics in the booklet to look for any typos and so on, found a few and those are corrected now. Reading thru the lyrics really made me feel good. I guess Christ’s not exactly on the same level though… J and Jo are delivering those with such precision and awesomeness it brings a tear to my eye.

There you go, the latest update.

More to come.

Posted by The Hate, April 2nd, 2007 | Filed in News, The Project Hate.