Self-constructive once again…
This past weekend I have really devoted myself to even further enhance the material for our next album, with great results. And I am not done yet. The inspiration is obviously pouring down on me and I can’t get enough of what we are creating now. J paid me a visit this past Saturday and just hung out for a while, which was real good. He’s ready to enter the studio to start recording his vocals as soon as there is an opportunity in between family life/superstar life and life in general. I have tons of ideas still unused that I’ll start working on asap, stuff that will put even more domination into this coming album. I have never felt more inspired in my life when it comes to creating music, and to work with this material is a joy, to put it mildly. You all know Tobben won’t be drumming on this next piece, but be sure he’ll be included in some other areas instead, hehe… Just wanted to give you a small heads up on the process of the work I am currently doing. If time allows it I’ll try to make some videos eventually. That shit takes time though, so I rather invest that in the creation of this monster. I think you understand.
Stay tuned for more updates as soon as something noteworthy is happening.