The first part of doing our next album completed
And that’s that. All the 7 songs are now finished. 7 songs of the music you love when it comes to The Hate. It’s time to complete the lyrics now, something that will definitely take some time. During the coming months (or more thruthfully; until we actually record the album) we will enhance the material as we go along, making everything even better, more infernal and all-around even more utterly dominating. We dig to work like that, you know.
All vocal parts have been decided and both Jo and J are hard at work with what they will deliver next time. We have even contacted some of the planned guest musicians that we want on the next masterpiece. Some of them being childhood heroes actually. Maybe…
Anyways, keep an eye on our forums for the latest updates in the Hate camp. Videos and shit will come when the time is right and we have started recording what will be our defining moment.