The goal is reached, but this post is being kept so you can get all the information you could ever need if you don’t know what it’s about. If you’re here just to know how to get this coming album even if you didn’t donate to the cause – just click this link and be enlightened. Scroll down to the bottom of the very post you’re reading if you wanna skip to the section as for how to purchase the masterpiece when it’s completed.
Original post:
1. This topic is being update all the time with the current targets reached on our way to the final goal. You can see the progress above.
2. If you’re curious about the process of completing the next album, this is the link to click. I update that topic over at our forums as soon as I have something of value to say and/or when something major has happened that I believe you might give a shit about knowing.
3. Or you could head over to our Facebook where there are updates every now and then, not necessarily posted at our official website. You’ll also find some clips from my home studio of the work in progress as a small reward for every 500$ target we reach after 5000$ or so. You definitely want to hear them.
4. Now over to all the info you need to know about The TPH Donation Experiment 2:
If you don’t know what this is about, please take a few minutes and click the link to get an explanation. Even if that info is a couple of years old, the idea is the same. I even marked out the most crucial information in red to make it easier for ya.
Here we go again then… Over the last few months quite a few mails have been sent to me from people asking when they can start to donate to make the next album happen, just like “The Cadaverous Retaliation Agenda” was brought to life – through the assistance of The Haters. Well, the time has come. Considering we will need a bigger budget than last time we better get this going right away if we’re ever to reach the goal. The plans are to complete this recording sometime during 2014. You who follow the updates know where we are at right now, so keep on checking out our official site, our forums and our Facebook page for the latest info, always. Anyways, the last time we did this Experiment, it worked out. I am eternally grateful for it and it still puzzles me. Can it be done again? Well… I don’t really know to be honest. I’m not taking anything for granted. But I am willing to give it a try. The worst thing that could happen is that your money will be returned and the recording will not come to fruition. Simple as that.
So, this donations thing then… A lot of you guys that I have been talking to the last months seem to think that having a fixed sum for donations (of course with the option of donating more if you feel like doing so) is the way to go, simply becoz of a few reasons:
1. Last time we got a bunch of 1 dollar (and a few less than that, really) donations. Those were obviously made by people who wanted to leak the recording on the Internet and nothing else. I stuck to my word and sent the album to EVERYONE who made a donation, no matter how big or small it was. That’s what I promised to do, and that’s what I did. Only problem was Judas leaked it, as explained.
2. So, in accordance to what you guys think is a great idea – there will be a minimum sum for donations this time if you wanna get the album when it’s done. This way, Judas will at least have to pay what everyone else pay before the vermin can leak it.
Let me explain a few other things before we move on…
1. We need to hit the 10000 US dollar mark to be able to pay for the services of everyone involved. Recording vocals, drums and get the damn thing mixed and mastered (by the mighty Dan Swanö at Unisound as always). Yes, it’s double the amount compared to what we spent on “TCRA”, and this time around it’s needed becoz we’re stepping things up a bit studio/recording wise and I want to make sure that we’re getting the best result we can get on all accounts. It’s not about making a fuck-ton of cash to spend on whiskey and hookers (I’d ask for 25000 dollars if that was the case), it’s for making sure we can do everything humanly possible to get the best goddamn material we have ever done out to you Haters, presented in the best way we can.
2. This 10000 dollar goal is JUST for covering the recording and making sure you guys get a complete album, sounding as fucken awesome as possible. I’m not even thinking about pressing physical CD’s at this point.
3. You’ll, just like last time, get both an instrumental digital version of the album as well as the real deal, in various formats (WAV, MP3’s in high quality – complete with a printable booklet and everything if you wanna do your own CD). Since you already helped us in creating “TCRA”, you already know how this works.
4. This coming album is not recorded for media in any way, shape or form. It’s being brought to life for myself, everyone involved and for YOU who support the cause and make it happen. No one else. I have no interest in media coverage or reviews any longer. It matters not to me. Creating this beast and eventually being able to share it with the ones who give a fuck about TPH is the only thing I care about.
So, do you wanna be a part of making this album see the light of day? Here are the conditions:
1. Donate a fixed sum of 150 SEK, 18 Euros or 25 US dollars (or anything you feel is reasonable above that) through PayPal to
2. Bank transfer:
Account holder: K. Philipson
Account: 8164-6,4 234 547-0
IBAN: SE60 8000 0816 4600 4234 5470
Lekebergs Sparbank
Box 66
716 21 Fjugesta
3. E-mail us (just to be safe) at and let us know about your donation so we can put your e-mail address down as for where to send the download link when the album is completed sometime later this year if everything goes according to plan (shit can always fuck up plans, you know).
I will keep you all updated on every 500 dollar mark we reach until/if we get to the goal of 10000 dollars. And I will naturally keep you updated on the process of completing everything as we go along as well.
So, now we’ll see if this works out once again and if we can get our best effort yet out to you guys. No matter what, I thank you for the support you have shown in the past. You’re the reason we could do “TCRA”, and if this new album becomes a reality – it’s thanx to you and no one else.
Spread the word. Revolutionize the business once again.