Third time’s the charm!

After telling Mr. Swanö what I thought was missing from the mixes I have gotten so far there are but a few very small details left before it’s perfect. I got the third mix of the first song today and we have been shooting each other e-mails over the last week or so, working closely together to get to the point I am aiming for. And Mr. D’s fucken nailed it! That guy is a wizard and this production will crush, for sure. Now, as mentioned, there’s these 2 minor details that I wanna get right before we can consider ourselves done with the sound for “The Cadaverous Retaliation Agenda”. I am currently waiting for those to fall in place and then we are moving forward big time!

Oh, how glorious it is to see this beast come to life…

Posted by Lord K Philipson, November 26th, 2012 | Filed in Artwork, News, The Project Hate.