Update on the song writing process again!
Finally found some time in-between rehearsing for Torture Division‘s upcoming show, regular work, family life and whatnot and today the ending for this sixth track just dawned on me. It’s funny when it happens, when something just comes together like that. Now all I have left to do with this tune is to compose all of the orchestras and some additional things, something that will take a while coz it’s no easy process. The structure of this 6th tune is completed anyways. I do have some guitars left to correct and listen closely to so I can see that it all comes down to perfection in the end, but one thing at the time. I should be done with this one in a few weeks or so, then it’s on to the 7th track, the final one. I already have some sketches lying around for that one, so getting started is not a problem. But as mentioned – one thing at the time.
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