
Archive for September, 2007

Late September update

We wanna thank everyone who came to the releaseparty for “In Hora Mortis Nostræ” last weekend. We had a blast meeting up all of us for the first time ever. Of course we missed Jo, but hey… We guess we have to make a new album real soon and throw another party so she can join in and make up for it, right? Thing is, we have already started working on that. The next album, that is, not the party.

StormVox just informed us that they are closing the distribution deal any day now and the albums should be easier to get hold of in the near future. First off they are concentrating on Europe, we have no words on the States yet. Not that it matters much since everyone can always buy the album directly from us. You have all the info you need available at our forums. Just point, click, hate – voilá, there you go.

If you wanna see some photos from the party, those are also located at the forums. So a wise decision would be to… uhm… go there and look for them.

Still no leakage of the album, which is fantastic. It feels great to be the one band that actually managed to prevent the album from getting out on the net before the actual release, just as we expected. It’s nice to dominate, that’s for sure. It should be on there any day now, go steal it, love it and then send us an e-mail stating your relentless admiration for what we have accomplished. We know, we deserve it for creating “IHMN”.

Also, if you wanna stay up to date with everything Hateful, always keep an eye on our forums (we can’t stress that enough) since we are there on a daily basis. That’s more than we can say about the updates here, even if we actually kinda rule with those as well.

Until next time, stay emo.

// The Hate, September 25th, 2007 | Filed in News, The Project Hate | Comment now »


And Damnation is forced upon the weak

The reason that we have decided to share this tune with you is simple. We managed to keep the album from leaking until the releasedate, and even a few days more… We definitely made history by doing this. Congrats to us. And now, when we are starting to send out promos – the album will be leaked any given day… That’s why we want you guys to hear a full tune, for the first time, coming from us – becoz we have chosen to give it out to the Haters, not becoz of some magazine ripping it and sharing it. This feels great. It’s nice to dominate.

Another reason to share this tune is becoz you already heard a bit of it and we thought it’d be fun for you to hear it in its entirety. Quite some difference between the versions, huh?

We know you’ll dig this. Enjoy.

Click me for Domination!

// The Hate, September 18th, 2007 | Filed in News | Comment now »


Albums to be sold at the releaseparty

Yeah, as said before, the release party for the new masterpiece is coming up. StormVox just informed us that we will get albums this week to sell this evening. So, if you for any fucked reason want the new thing, and want it signed, buying it this evening would be a very smart move since it looks like this will be the first time all of us will meet up, at the same time, in the same room. I know, we think it’s weird as well. But pretty damn satanic.

We’ll definitely try to sell these copies that we will get for a cheaper price than what you would normally pay. Just becoz we like to take care of the Haters (and steal your money in the process, hoho).

Either way, head over to for more details on this evening. We are very much looking forward to have our friends (and 2 of the TPH members) of Engel tear shit up this very special night.

Do not miss this. As Trey Isucktooth would say: “Neat-o”.

// The Hate, September 4th, 2007 | Filed in Merch, News, The Project Hate | Comment now »