All “Spewing” shirts have been sent out!
Thanx to Helloil for the magnificent looking merch once again! They sure came out spectacular and Ogino Design’s artwork is still as stunning as when it first was revealed. Huge thanx to all of you who bought this piece of clothing as well, of course. You are not that many but you sure are devoted, which makes it all worthwhile.
If you didn’t pre-order this one, you’re fucked. There are no more shirts available.
Now I go back inside The Dungeon to work on our planned 15th album. If you wanna follow the process of that, stay glued to the same just mentioned social media platforms even though updates will be far and between. You’ll get important information when I deem it necessary. Just know that there’s an insane amount of work being done behind the scenes.
Be well, Haters!