Anniversary shirt update and tons more!


Wall of text incoming!

The shirts have arrived and they look fucken amazing as expected. This means I have started to do all the work needed when it comes to packing and shipping these beauties, such as writing customs declarations, putting addresses and postage on the envelopes etc etc… This sure takes a bunch of hours so the plan is to have everything ready to be shipped during the coming weekend. I’ll let you know when it has happened, as always.

Huge thanx to for the art, for printing these shirts and to YOU who bought it, which helped a bit monetary wise when it comes to the recording of our coming planned 13th album.

While on the subject of this 13th album there’s unfortunately a complete standstill when it comes to the 5th TPH DONATION EXPERIMENT. We’re like $800 short of even reaching $6000 out of the $10000 needed.

So, your help is truly needed! Spread the word, point people in this direction for all the info they need if they feel like helping out:

As reported previously (as to not delay the process more than necessary) I have started to pay everyone involved with the means available, but if this standstill continues it will most likely take way longer than I hoped for when it comes to completing this album (if we even get to that point of course).

Sure, it’s taking a chance paying people at this stage, but hey… Can’t play everything safe all the time, right? A half-finished album must be better than no album, right? Haha… Yeah.

As I’ve said before, this looks to be the longest EXPERIMENT yet… Maybe people have had it with wanting to chip in? Maybe this particular formula is dying? We’ll see.

If memory serves me correctly, 211 people made our latest album come to life. We’re just above 150 people so far and still have roughly $5000 to go, so… yeah. Fuck do I know?

Conclusion: this fucken beast will obviously be finished when we have reached $10000 and all I can do is wait for it to happen and work my ass off on it in the meantime. I have no choice. I must do this. It’s in my blood.

Last off I wanna hand out yet another HUGE thank you to Dirk Verbeuren who really plugged TPH and the 5th EXPERIMENT on his show on today. Truly humbling and very, very appreciated.

With all that out of the way, be great to each other now and we’ll talk again when all the shirts have been sent out.

Cheers, Haters!

Posted by Lord K Philipson, July 17th, 2019 | Filed in Artwork, Merch, News, The Project Hate.