Look to the right…
Inside that one there’s some amazing music being stored. And as it looks, the first real draft of the 5th song is now completed, which means it’s time to check the guitars for eventual errors and stuff that needs to be re-recorded to make it perfect. As suspected, this one will be a tune where Mike Wead will really get to shine (as if he didn’t shine brighter than the sun already when it comes to playing guitar). There is a good chance that this 5th tune will eventually end up being the closer of the album, at least that’s how it feels at this very stage. I am extremely happy with the outcome of this one even if there’s tons of work left with it before it’s complete. It’s definitely a little different approach to it than what you are used to with our music, and I am sure you will adore it. There’s a real dark atmosphere present, one that is bringing forth the purgatory we are always aiming for. The next step, after recording bass and checking the guitars, is to add the orchestral parts as always. Can’t wait to wrap this one up and move on to the next. Safe to say, things are going absolutely excellent when it comes to the writing of our next masterpiece.
Stay tuned for more updates at this site, interact with us over at our forums and last off – buy the damn shirt so we can get rid of them.