Time for another song writing update… And what about the donations?

Over the last weeks I have been working my ass off on this 6th track (out of 7 planned) for the next album that you guys, the Haters, obviously will make a reality thanx to your donations to The TPH Donation Experiment.  Today I managed to put down the first session of bass for this tune (the guitars still need to be checked closely, and I also have to do all of the remaining electronic stuff and orchestras before it’s “finished”), but we are so getting there, and it feels fucken killer, to say the least. I even managed to record a short clip for ya of me recording bass for a part that is not a 100% completed just yet, but I thought it’d be nice for you to hear something of what’s to come eventually. Click this link to get there. I will try to make more of these videos as I move forward with the composing. I’m sure some of you appreciates it anyways, so…

Oh, and I almost forgot about one thing (no, I didn’t – I just saved the good news for last)…


It looks like we are moving towards the goal, people, which is just phenomenal on all accounts. You guys truly are amazing.

That’s it for now. Spread the word about The Experiment. You have done a tremendous job at it so far.

Until next time…

Posted by Lord K Philipson, December 29th, 2011 | Filed in Music, News, The Project Hate.