
Yeah, you know how I like to keep you all updated on the process of recording our next beast of perfection. Well, there’s not too much to report at the moment. Dirk is about to wrap up the 4th tune any day now, which is fantastic. After that there’s only 2 more songs for him to nail. Just wait until you get to hear what this hero has cooked up, he sure put his own stamp on things. Absolutely astonishing work on his part. Goddamn. But this you expected anyways, no? Yes. J is still on vacation, and he’s going thru the guidelines for his vocals with a beer in hand and meat on the BBQ. Lucky bastard. Ruby is done with her work and will enter the studio as soon as she feels ready for it. As I have reported countless of times before, I always work with details and a few other special things for this album.Oh, and there’s rumors going around that another sign just might surface when the time is right…

So, while my major work is done people claim I obviously found some time to create something else that you should take a listen to. And yes, Dan Swanö is rumored to be involved as well… This is a recipe for domination, as you all know. If you’re Swedish, you can find more info here (search for song 294, or simply click the “högst betyg” or “mest spelade” buttons and look for the IBURPROPHANE (yes, they made a typo or 3 in there) song. Guaranteed to make your jaws drop. Spread the word.

So, stay tuned for more information on the recording, either at this site or on our forums. And don’t forget to read this.

Posted by Lord K Philipson, July 17th, 2012 | Filed in Music, News, The Project Hate.