Archive for January, 2007
Record deal confirmed
Over the last few months while we have been recording the coming 5th album, we have had some damn giving discussions with some people about signing a new deal. We are now very happy to announce that Swedish (but a US resident) bound-to-be legendary actor/lunatic Peter Stormare has decided to work out a deal with us for his own record label StormVox. We would like to take the opportunity to thank the other labels we have talked to a little after the split from Threeman Recordings. We appreciate the interest.
So, Mr. Sturm is now our label boss and we really look forward to working together with him. Having one of the most insane actors in the movie business taking interest in what we do… Things could be worse. We have some more things lined up which we will announce asap if shit goes as we want them to, but more of that as soon as we have something more concrete to say.
We have told you some of the following before, but we’ll make a short rundown of everything to keep you guys on track:
We are planning to have the album completed sometime in late March/April and this means it should see the light of day a few months after that. We’ll get back to you with a definite releasedate as soon as we have one, of course.
Michael HÃ¥kansson will start doing his bass around Feb and we have made loose plans as for when to enter the studio to record vocals. It looks like we’ll utilize the services of Robban Eriksson in Örebro, Sweden for all the vocals this time around. The very guy who we recorded Ms Jo‘s vocals on “Armageddon march eternal”.
All the guitars are completed since a while back, we might add a solo or two while waiting for the vocals to be recorded, but that remains to be seen, if guitarist Mazza can get his ass away from the X-box 360 that is.
Dan Swanö is ready to sink his teeth into this piece as soon as we have all the shit down, and we are definitely looking forward to complete this album with Mr. D. It will be pure joy as always as D knows us so well by now.
In the meantime, hang in here, check the forums for all the latest updates on the recording and get ready for album 5 when the time comes.
Deadmarch-album finally to see the light of day
If you have been hanging around our forums, as we always suggest, you have already found out about this… Anyways: The seed for TPH, the Deadmarch album that was recorded back in 1998 in Sunlight Studios with Tomas Skogsberg, will actually be released in 2007.
I’m awaiting the contract but I have gotten the offer and will sign it as soon as the papers arrive. We will re-master the whole thing with Dan Swanö at Unisound and then release it as it was recorded. This feels very nice since that album is very special to me in alot of ways. It was the thing that eventually made me form TPH.
It’s not like we’ll make any money off this, and basically I don’t fucken care for shit. All I want is that the label gets their money back for mastering and releasing it. I just think it’s a nice thing that it gets out, whenever that happens. And the label isn’t the same label that TPH’s secured a deal with, just to cut off further speculation. Vic Records bought the album and will release it in 2007. A definite releasedate will follow as soon as we have one.
Deadmarch: “The Project Hate MCMXCIX – Initiation of blasphemy” will come with a new cover and booklet made by Statik Majik, the hero who is responsible for everything TPH, graphics wise, as of the latest years. And it looks damn good
I don’t think any year in the past has started off this good before. Great things for TPH happening, Deadmarch being released and Insects getting a new deal as well… Insane.
Thanx for the neverending support, Haters.
Progress on the new album, January 2007 update
We just completed all the lyrics for the album and Jo‘s working hard on her stuff to complete those. K will now start recording all the lines for J and send them over to him for him to listen to so he can be prepared when we enter the studio for the vocals.
J wanted to do his vocals after Jo’s this time around since he’s always been doing his stuff first in the past and that’s how we are going to execute it for this album. Jo first, J last. Backingvocals/guests after that.
We are planning to enter Rat Productions in March (where Jo did her vocals the last time) and start taping everything. She will come over to K’s place a day before and we’ll go thru everything to see that it all works out vocal wise and so forth.
Feels absolutely killer to finally be able to say that the lyrics are done. We have taken our time and expect nothing but some Christ hating signature shit from TPH. Yeah, we are anti-christian like that. We are very happy about how everything’s turned out so far. To say the least. Jo’s got some insanely cool ideas for the stuff and we are dying to get those down for real.
Also, we have secured a new record deal and will announce everything as soon as possible. Needless to say, we are happy as arsonists inside a church.