The Tag Archive
Just stay tuned for some serious information shortly. We have been silent over here (but not at our forums, always check that out) for no good reason but there’s alot of stuff in the works and in a short bit you will be informed about everything.
Now that we have finally have a working Paypal-account it’s more or less reasonable that you should be able to order and pay for “In Hora Mortis Nostræ” using that option too, right? Well, now you can. More details at our forums, link here: Order the goddamned album!
Again we have been somewhat silent in here, so we’ll hand over a brief update right now then… After taking the summer off (or something like that) we are now starting to plan the recording of the next album a little more. Jo‘s hard at work on her lyrics and J has but a couple of tunes more to finish up before that chapter is completed.
We have had some label interest over the months but nothing is secured whatsoever just yet. Have in mind we still have our gorgeous promo packages to send out to labels to see if we, for once, can score a deal that won’t suck, haha…
As we have said before, the guest contributions for this coming bastard are starting to drop in and they are ever so impressive. Various guitarists, vocalists, jugglers will be present, doing what they are famous for (in case they are “famous”, and we believe some of them actually are). We wanna thank all the people who seem to take pride in doing something small with us on the coming piece – you guys really dominate. And while we are at it – we wanna thank the ones we have in mind for a guest part though we haven’t approached them yet. Thanx for saying “yes” to our request, whenever you get it, hoho…
Basically now, we are just waiting to see what eventual offers will drop in so we know what kind of budget we have to work with for album 6. It’s hard for us to start booking studios and whatnot until then. Drummer Mojjo is ready to put down his shit as soon as he gets a go. Michael is always ready with his bass. K and Anders are pretty much done with their shit already, you know, and J and Jo look forward to deliver some blasphemy again.
So what it’s all about now is just waiting for the appropriate time to arrive so we can really start to take this beautiful piece to the next phase.
Don’t forget the forums, people. That shit is updated way more often than this page. And if you’d spend some time there you’d also know that our beloved webmaster had recently some pretty fucken goodlooking TPH posters for sale too. Unfortunately they’re more or less sold out already. But let this be another reason why you should stick around at our forums on regular basis with the rest of the Haters.
We have been a little silent in here, for no good reason, so we thought it’s about time to tell you what’s up. All of you know that there’s been a fucken impossibility to find the latest album “In Hora Mortis Nostræ” if you are not ordering it directly from us, right? We knew that StormVox had very limited resources and all, but never did we expect this small an effort on their part to get it out. Not content with the situation we have now walked away from StormVox, on good terms. We might work with them somewhere down the road, we might not, that’s not important right now though. We will now start looking for a new label and we have the flashiest promo packages around just waiting to be sent out.
This interferes nothing with the new album (at least not right now) at the moment since we have had the plans for album 6 lined up for quite some time. We are still finishing up the lyrics for the remaining songs and Jo is hard at work with her stuff for the songs that are already completed lyricwise.
All the rhythm guitars are completed as of some weeks ago. We have also started to get some of the guest stuff completed and inserted into the songs and it fucken kills. There will be some prominent guest musicians (and some fantastically gifted ones you prolly never heard of) on this one, that’s for sure. There’s going to be quite a bunch of guests and friends chipping in to what will be the darkest and most ferocious album in our career. You know this is true too.
We are planning to have Mojjo put down the drums this fall, we need to chill out this summer, you know. But first we need to secure a record deal so we have a budget to work with. Jörgen will most likely record his vocals in Stockholm and we are definitely planning to record Jo’s with Robban, as we have done on the past 2 studio albums. But that’s not happening just yet, as mentioned.
Just hang in there, we will keep you informed about the label search and recording plans as we go along.
Just so you know, we have never sounded better than what we do now. In time you will experience it first hand.
Cheers, Haters.
As you have noticed, we have been a little silent here as of late. That’s all thanx to not having access to the goddamn net for a month or so due to the incompetence of Swedish phone and internet companies. First off we wanna thank our fantastic webmaster Marko Saarelainen for throwing in some stuff here at the site and helping us out with so much promotion while we have been internetless. He is the king, we tell you. Thanks sister, it’s a pleasure to have you work with us.
“In Hora Mortis Nostræ” has been out now for a few months and as always the reactions are mixed, just as expected. We know we have made a fantastic album and obviously the Haters understand that as well. Thanks for the awesome mails and everything that we have received from you guys and girls over the months, stating your admiration for what we do. We appreciate it more than we can express with words. Again, thank you so much.
So, let us tell you what’s up now in the Hate camp. We have 5 and a half song completed for the next piece of domination and yes, you guessed it, it’s sounding fucken fantastic. We will definitely raise eyebrows with some of the stuff. A few of the things we have in store for you is pretty much something you didn’t see coming from us. And we like it like that. We have no boundaries. These tracks are definitely the best material we have ever written. We are supposed to state that, you know. Every band do, but the difference is that in our case it’s actually true, haha… We are aiming for 7 tracks this time around as well, and with close to 50 minutes already written – things are going so good it’s quite insane. Maybe we will get around to actually do some videos and shit during the process, we’ll see. Make sure to keep an eye on the forums of ours since that’s the place where we announce the latest stuff in-depth all the time.
Again, thanx for the support guys, each and everyone of you. Needless to say that you are phenomenal. Feel free to buy the new album directly from us, we sure could need that. Now let us continue to work with the coming slab of Christ hating music.