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Second and final song posted for you!

With only a mere 2 weeks until the release of “The Lustrate Process” thru Vic Records, we have decided to hand out the last song we will make available on the Internet ourselves. This masterpiece is called “The locust principles” and is a 9 minute satanic hymn of everything you love about The Project Hate MCMXCIX. From the excellent Mike Wead lead in the beginning of the song to the creepy middle part, to the brutal ending… You’ll (never) see (heaven). You’ll love it. You will fucken worship it. And that’s the reason why we hand out yet another tune. We like to make you feel good. We’d also like to express our eternal gratitude to all local church burners out there. This one is to all of you who refuse to download the album illegally and the ones who have pre-ordered the album from us. Enjoy the song and make sure you buy “The Lustrate Process” from us. All info is to be found at our forums and at this site.

Until we get the video to show on this page, here’s the link directly to YouTube.

Update about the shirts and hoodies!

The printer just informed us that he will probably get the shirts next week. The delay is becoz the company where he buys the Gildan shirts from had no Gildan’s in stock for the shirts (the hoodies were fine though) and offered Fruit Of The Loom instead. We came to the conclusion that it’s better to wait a few extra days to get the Gildan brand becoz they are superior.

Just so you know. Sorry for the delay, but it’s always something when you do shit like this, and the shirts and hoodies will be ace so it’ll be worth it in the end. As soon as they arrive here at Hate HQ they will be shipped to you all, ofcourse.

No more orders for the new shirts

Thanks to each and everyone who ordered one (or two) and showed their true support. Hail!

So if all goes as planned, everyone who placed their orders should start receiving their shirts within the following three weeks.